Coming up for Air…

The best part of Valentine’s Day was FaceTiming with one of my 5 granddaughters. How beautiful the technology allowing me to experience such a precious moment. She shared with me her Valentine’s Day gifts she received. She modeled her new Bluey dress, adding a little spin, the skirt displayed in a beautiful twirl. She shared her makeup palette naming purple and pink her favorite colors, and she placed her little iPad in her bike basket so I could ride her bike with her. Within her presence, for those few special minutes, my starving heart remembered love.

Earlier this afternoon driving home, my car window was down, music filled the space and a taste of spring air blew through my hair. I was halfway home when the words “Thank you for such a glorious day” so effortlessly played through my mind. In that instance an uncontrollable smile lightened my mood as the warmth of the sun touched my skin and my hair wildly danced with the wind. That such a simple task I do almost everyday of the week could bring profound joy in the moment.

I felt beautiful and free, graced with love this afternoon. It was like coming up for air.

Poetry of M 2024

Comes a Gentle Winter Rain

I often wonder why I still carry the thought of you

You’ve been away from me

Far longer than you’ve been near

I am mending pieces

The unseen ones

Thousand unintentional shards of fallen potential

I must be an island

Felled upon an ocean

Thousand suffocating waves of unspoken words

I often wonder the why of it

The ache of it all

Sipping bittersweet tea

The quietness of winter rain

Poetry of M 2024